
SMART Goals 101

     To ensure that the development and implementation of your digital strategy is not 'a pie in the sky' dream, make sure that you set SMART goals

What are SMART goals?

They are goals that introduce criteria to help you focus your efforts and realise the goals that wish to achieve.

What does SMART stand for?

S-specific (well-defined, unambiguous)

M-measurable (criteria used to measure progress)

A-attainable (may be challenging but not impossible to attain)

R-realistic (realistic and relevant to the purpose)

T-time-bound (clearly defined timeframe)

Examples of SMART Goals

My institution will ensure that the software chosen will be evaluated by the software evaluation team using the appropriate evaluation rubric over a two week period.

Yearly, the digital strategy will be evaluated by all constituents by conducted surveys, interviews and analysing performance analytics.

Are you ready to develop SMART goals to help you achieve your digital strategy?

Write down the goals for your institution, develop them into SMART goals, get input and actualize them.

Happy Writing!


Anonymous said…
Who will be the persons to comprise the software evaluation team?
Also, when will they be given time to participate in such a venture?
Keisha L Went said…
Thanks for the questions asked. I invite you to view the post 'The Jist of Software Evaluation.'
However, the software evaluation team can comprise of the
The Principal/ Deputy Principal
Heads of Departments
Member of the Board
President of the PTA
Member of the Old Scholars' Association
Staff Representative.

They can use the planning week and the 1st week of each school term to meet and if need be, a post-mortem can be conducted in the last week of each school term.